Søndag, 5. træningsuge

BIKE 2:15
20:00 gearing pyramid
-- begin with 6:00 @60% in your easiest gear, then adjust to one gear harder for 5:00, then 4:00, 3:00, and finish with 2:00 @75%
This main set should help demonstrate how much more smoothly you can pedal with some focus on spinning smooth circles. The target time trial distance is 11.2 miles (18.1km), which is exactly 1/10 of the Ironman ultra distance bike ride.
2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each
Each one should be done as 6 x (20 sec one leg/10 sec transition), continuous
1 x 11.2 miles (18.1 km) time trial @75% -- record your time
2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- right into
1 x 11.2 miles (18.1 km) time trial @75% -- compare to the first time trial -- should be slightly faster at the same HR intensity
2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- your abs (stomach muscles) will probably be throbbing a bit here, but relax your mid-section and concentrate on smooth pedaling throughout the cycle
20:00 reverse gearing pyramid: 6:00 in "hard" gear @75%, followed by 5:00 in next easier gear, then 4:00, 3:00, and then 2:00 @60% intensity by the end.

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