Skatte regler til d. 7/11-2009

Ingen drenge fødselsdag uden skattejagt, her er de simple regler .....

  • kl. 15:00
  • 2 hold
  • Holdsammensætning, ukendt :)
  • 4 stk, 2 løbeposter, og  2 MTB poster
  • 2 "skatte" på hver post, en let og en svær. dvs. dem der kommer først til posten kan tage den lette, dem der kommer sidst må tage den svære :) skatte skal bringes med hjem.
  • Reækkefølgen bestemmer man næsten selv.
Post placering
  • Poster placeret i nærområdet.
  • Masterkort er på Alpedalsvej 82
  • Der køres/løbes efter detail kort
Point / hvem har vundet
  • Det gælder jo bare om at være med .... :)
  • .. der kan dog røbes så meget at hold 246 er delt, alt andet ville jo være usportsligt :)
Lørdag var der test hos "Dr. Stougaard" selv om vi har nogle der ikke nåede elite niveau havde vi det "sjovt" :))

Foto: Palle Skov

Mandag løb i sne

Kom igennem de ~8km (45min) inden gymnastik, i sne vejr, surt !! Det var ikke den store nydelse, godt man har sin iPod "ven" med.

14. Træningsuge (Uge 4-2009)

Mandag: Løb 0:45
Tirsdag: Svømning 1:00
Onsdag: Spinning 1:15, Løb 0:50
Torsdag: Spinning 1:00
Fredag: Fri
Lørdag: Svømning 1:00, Cycling 2:00
Søndag: Run 1:30

Søndag, 5. træningsuge

BIKE 2:15
20:00 gearing pyramid
-- begin with 6:00 @60% in your easiest gear, then adjust to one gear harder for 5:00, then 4:00, 3:00, and finish with 2:00 @75%
This main set should help demonstrate how much more smoothly you can pedal with some focus on spinning smooth circles. The target time trial distance is 11.2 miles (18.1km), which is exactly 1/10 of the Ironman ultra distance bike ride.
2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each
Each one should be done as 6 x (20 sec one leg/10 sec transition), continuous
1 x 11.2 miles (18.1 km) time trial @75% -- record your time
2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- right into
1 x 11.2 miles (18.1 km) time trial @75% -- compare to the first time trial -- should be slightly faster at the same HR intensity
2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- your abs (stomach muscles) will probably be throbbing a bit here, but relax your mid-section and concentrate on smooth pedaling throughout the cycle
20:00 reverse gearing pyramid: 6:00 in "hard" gear @75%, followed by 5:00 in next easier gear, then 4:00, 3:00, and then 2:00 @60% intensity by the end.

Lørdag, 5. træningsuge

SWIM 0:45
600 easy swim, holding proper form and letting your HR rise to 70% by the end.
Locomotive Swim: 3 x 500 Loco w/30 sec rest after each, building from
1 length easy/1 length fast up to 4 lengths easy/4 lengths fast
-- easy efforts should be done @60% intensity;
fast efforts are at roughly 75% intensity
(ALTERNATE SET: 2 x 500 w/30 sec rest)
4 x 75 @60% w/10 sec rest after each

RUN 1:10
Begin with a 20:00 jog, getting into it very gradually,
bringing the intensity up to 65% by the end.
Big Target: 3-Mile MAF Test
Here's the drill: Either perform this at a local track (preferably one you can run to), or use a familiar portion of a local course that you know to be roughly three miles in length. Begin by gradually increasing your HR up to 75% intensity -- beginning this directly after the warm up would work best -- and then, when you are at a known starting point, start your watch!
Be sure to hold your HR right at 75% throughout the test run -- no more! -- and stop your watch after reaching the three-mile point. Record your time for future comparison.
Be sure to cool down completely, immediately after your run. Your HR should be at or under 60% before you come to a close.

Fredag, 5. træningsuge


Torsdag, 5. træningsuge

BIKE 1:05
10:00 easy spinning @60% intensity
3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each
Each one should be done as 6 x (20 sec one leg/10 sec transition), continuous
This is designed to help build general aerobic conditioning and to help you gain a sense of pace for longer distances.
4 x 7:00 @75% intensity w/3:00 @60% recovery after each
easy spinning, brining your HR back down below 60%

Onsdag, 5. træningsuge

BIKE 1:20
Easy, controlled spinning, increasing the intensity slowly:
8:00 @60% - 5:00@65% - 3:00 @70% (continuous)
This is a low intensity interval set designed to help you establish a sense of pace at a lower, long-distance intensity.
3 x 5.0mi (8km) @75% w/2:00 recovery @60% after each
Control your HR carefully, all the way "back down"
6:00 @70% - 4:00 @65% - 2:00 @60%

RUN 0:30
Steady aerobic-paced distance run, holding your HR intensity between 60-70% throughout.